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RPG-C Links

This page displays the links that lead to some of my most favorite web pages.
If you would like a certain link placed here, just give me a holler, and I'll see what I can do

RPG Maker related sites

The OHRRPGCE Site - It spells (Our Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Contruction Engine).An odd called RPG Maker, but don't judge a program by it's name. I give it a rating 8 of 10

Awesome Software - The founder's web site dedicated to the RPG Toolkit, and a nice program at that too. Its too bad, if I'm correct, that it is not freeware.

RPG related sites
The SquareSoft Web Site - All mighty SquareSoft! How we praise thee. This company (Square in Japan) are the founders of all those great Final Fantasy games.

Square Gamer - Another site dedicated to SquareSoft games. This site has an extremely large amount of information that I have ever seen, andits all dedicated to Square.

The RPGLair - This site is dedicated to all kinds of RPG music from Square to Enix. This is the site where you can hum your favorite songs from MIDI to MOD to MP3.

Visual Basic Programing Sites
The Nexus - This is where you get a lot of information on people making games and others.

The Lucky Leper - Get some good information on VB multimedia ranging from API to DirectX 7. Also, a game is being made here.

Voodoo VB - Another Visual Basic/DirectX programming site. A good site for programmers who can't get information from anywhere else.

Visual Basic Gamer's Haven - A nice site involving many game engines from 2D to 3D, DirectX to OpenGL, and lots of information on VB and DX.

DirectX4VB - Want tutorials and codes samples for making your next game and/or need help? Then you have come to the right link.

Other favorite links
The VG-Network - For those who want to know the newest information on console emulation.

The EmuHQ site - Another site like the VG-Network that sometimes holds other info .

The IGN Network - A great place to learn about the newest games and information for consoles and PCs.
IGN's N-Cube page
IGN's Handheld page